What’s in your pocket?

Average hourly wage in Canada is now $34.95

The average hourly wage in Canada has jumped to $34.95, marking a 4.7% year-over-year growth. According to the latest data from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey for April, Canadian workers experienced a notable increase in their hourly wages, with Alberta and Ontario leading the way.

This upward trend in wages reflects positive economic momentum and workers across the country are benefiting from this upward trend. As we head into the summer, it’s anticipated that the average hourly wage may even surpass the $35 mark. These developments underscore the resilience of the Canadian labor market and provide hope for continued growth.

Here are some facts around wage growth:

  1. Wage Growth Trends:
    • The 4.7% increase in hourly wages is significant, especially considering the challenges posed by the pandemic. This growth follows a pattern of rising wages over the past several months.
  2. Job Market Resilience:
    • Despite uncertainties, the Canadian economy added 90,000 jobs in April. This unexpected growth defied predictions and contributed to maintaining an unemployment rate of 6.1%.
    • Sectors such as technology, healthcare, and construction saw increased demand for skilled workers, leading to wage hikes.
  3. Regional Variations: Wage growth varied across provinces and territories. For instance:
    • Ontario: The average hourly wage in Ontario reached $35.50, driven by strong employment opportunities in the Greater Toronto Area.
    • Alberta: Despite challenges in the oil and gas sector, Alberta saw a modest increase to $36.20.
    • Quebec: The province experienced a rise to $32.80, reflecting growth in manufacturing and services.
  4. Factors Influencing Wages: Several factors contributed to the wage surge.
    • Labor Shortages: Industries facing shortages of skilled workers had to offer competitive wages to attract talent.
    • Inflation: As consumer prices increased, employers adjusted wages to maintain purchasing power.
    • Government Policies: Minimum wage adjustments and pandemic-related relief measures impacted overall wage levels.
How much is your wallet?

Canada is benefiting from higher wages, and employers are adapting to the changing landscape. As we move forward, monitoring wage trends will be crucial for understanding the overall health of the labor market.

The question many Canadian workers and new immigrants will be asking themselves is how much of this is landing in their pockets.

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Statistics Canada 

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